We are available after hours by appointment. We will work with your schedule.
NOTICE: We never put out mattresses outside in the elements! (Cold, heat and pollen are not good for mattresses) If you are on Wappoo Rd. and looking for our store, be sure to pass other stores on the road which are attempting to capture our good reputation and customers.
(This is what our store looks like from the road)

Our store from the road
(We are open daily (Monday through Saturday 10:00 A.M. til 4:00 P.M.)
If these hours don’t work for you, we will be more than happy to meet you at your convenience. (Just call)
(Sometimes open on Sunday) Call to check!
Monday 10:00 til 4:00
Tuesday 10:00 til 4:00
Wednesday 10:00 til 4:00
Thursday 10:00 til 4:00
Friday 10:00 til 4:00
Saturday 10:00 til 4:00
(We are glad to meet with you any time)!
Just Call!
OWNERS – Davis and Gina Clark