People come in to the showroom every week to purchase a box spring (foundation). When I ask if they purchased a mattress online they will sometimes and reluctantly tell me they did. After a few more minutes of discussion they almost always say “I wish I would have come here first”.
That is easy to understand once you are standing in my store. These people have seen the quality that comes in the box and now compared it with the better mattresses that I carry. (It’s easy to see). They paid around $900 for a queen mattress and now have to spend another $100 on a foundation. (They could have purchased a much better mattress including the box spring from me for under $900. And……. it would have been delivered and set up without all the hassle of shopping for a foundation.
Before you make the mistake of buying a mattress based on the million dollar website that convinces you how great they are by showing all the positive reviews (which they control), visit my showroom. You will be glad you did!
By the way……. I offer the same “Mattress in the Box” and ours are just as good as those $900 ones. We sell ours for $500 including shipping. Visit our website at